Sunday, January 6, 2013

January 6: The Man Who Orders From The First Person He Sees

My friends and I wandered into a very confusing sushi restaurant. It was a basement-level place in Queens and upon entering, you're confront with two doors. Although the glass doors show that both lead to sushi restaurants, they look entirely different, and have a few signs:

Take Out
(with an arrow pointing to the right)

Please Wait To Be Seated

Which do we do? In the end we simply opened the door to the right and asked for a table, which we were immediately shown to. Easy enough, I suppose.

Halfway through our meal, I noticed a very... American man. Portly, pale and adorned with a trucker's hat, standing not only in the middle of the aisle, but blocking a waiter's way into the kitchen. A waiter holding a steel icy jug of water clearly on his way to refill glasses for the tables, by the way.

"Yeah, I want edamame and California rolls and rice," he was saying.

The waiter looked almost so confused that he might cry.

"That's what I want to order for take out," the man clarified. He wasn't being rude in an aggressive way, but he sure was being thoughtless. It was clear that he either completely passed the front counter, or else was impatient if no one was there, and just marched in to the first person he could find and was placing his order.

I couldn't pay much more attention to the situation, as my friends were clamoring for my opinion on the trainwreck of a movie we had just seen (Les Mis), but I couldn't help but think what a curious society we've set up that we feel our needs are so above any sort of patience or order sometime. It just made me laugh to think he could be so out of touch with his surroundings. I guess we're all that person at some point or another though.

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