Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8: The Bitchy Ex-Boyfriend

I felt like a classy lady when I went to v{iv} Thai restaurant in Hell's Kitchen with a friend. It's just done up in nice lights and classy furniture like you get in New York.

My friend and I couldn't help but notice the couple that sat next to us, and not for any real reason. They were a couple, and held hands, and kissed across the table, and were cute together. But then...!

Up saunters a very tall, very fit, very attractive man, who knew one of the guys.

"Hey you...! How are you?" he asks. He seems to expect the guy to get up, to hug him, to kiss his cheeks, and catch up.

Everyone looked uncomfortable. Both of the couple, and me and my friend. This hot ex-boyfriend was working it, and didn't bother to give one shred of acknowledgment or greeting to the new guy, who sat there, probably terrified this was going to "mean" something in the end. I just felt a little mal-intent on his end and felt so sad for what looked like a great relationship that he was dragging across the sand, just to be bitchy. To be fair, I guess I couldn't really judge his intentions, and intent is nine-tenths of the law. I believe all's fair in love and war, but I also believe some things are still sacred. But honestly I was probably just annoyed cause I was really rooting for that couple and then the hot guy had to go and probably make the other one super insecure. And also, why are the hot ones always bitchy?

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